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Apparently as much as we might talk about entertainment were ever we are, we cannot defy or resist talking about poetry. Poetry is not just a phantom in the arts world but something which we have to embrace and let it sink in ourselves such that whenever one talks about arts and entertainment, poetry will just pop up as one of the topics.

So y’all might think why are we talking about poetry today, it’s part of entertainment and we’ve just thought of giving you a taste of what is to come your way very soon in terms or poetry. One of the talented poets we’ve known, Takudzwa Denny Ziwenjere is set to drop his anthology entitled ‘The Derailed Speculations’ sometime in August (Date to be announced). 

“The anthology mainly dwells on religion, identity and flaws in the society’s take on things” – Takudzwa. Below is one of the poems off ‘The Derailed Speculations’ entitled THE PORTRAIT. Enjoy and please tell us what you think about it. 

The Portrait
It is a perfect poetry portrait
Pixels precisely picturing her posture
Painted purple and pink
Perplexing prowess in purchasing perspectives
Punitive points on primary politics
Penned with pride and painted with passion
Pardon my progressive pattern of Ps
Poetry praises, poetry preaches, poetry also punishes
Passion pin-pointed in plenty of my pieces
My perfect poetic portrait
Painting the proper practice of peaceful presidency
Problem presenting peach pigment patched there
Pure and productive thoughts pardoned from the prison
Poured out pro actively but proverbially papered
Poking promiscuous pastors and paper-chasing prophets
Who parent our pessimism in their pastoral practices
As we prognosticate paganism in their prophecies
Poor Peter poisoned by their paralysing portions
Picasso styled I paste the painful posture
My portrait like Paws protruding prominently I pose a risk
My poetic portrait, priceless and picturesque
Pot inspired at moments, but passionately pottered
Pedants of political and religious vitality
Pistol rounds to the clergymen and parliament persons
If practically pictured perfectly it punishes fairly
The poetic portrait

Fb : Takudzwa Denny Ziwenjere
IG : taku.zee
Twitter : taku.zee
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